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Desktop Garden Tube - Flower Set
PARSELY - Compost with seeds "PARSLEY"
Seed Bonbons
Desktop Cube Gardens
Clay Pot Gardens
Micro Garden (Full Colour Packaging)
SEEDLOPE - Flowers mix seeds in envelope
MIX SEEDS - Zinc tub with 3 herbs seeds
THILA - Desk stand with seeds kit
GROW ME - Grass/seed paper memo pad
RED POPPY - Terracotta pot 'poppy'
SUNFLOWER - Terracotta pot 'sunflower'
FORGET ME NOT - Terracotta pot 'forget me not'
FLOWERPOT - Terracotta 3 herb pot set
MINT - Compost with seeds "MINT"
BASIL - Compost with seeds "BASIL"
Seedball Matchboxes
Desktop Tube Gardens
Boxed Pot Gardens
Recycled Pot Gardens
Seeded Paper Postcards A5
Seeded Paper Medium Shapes