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Heavy Base V shaped Shot Glass bulk packed
Glass cookie jar
Small Jug 0.25 litre
Medium Jug 0.5 litre
Large Jug 1 litre
Extra Large Jug 1.8 litre
Carafe bistro jug 1 litre
Traditional Classic Carafe Large
Traditional Classic Carafe Small
Contemporary Carafe Large
Contemporary Carafe Medium
Contemporary Carafe Small
Large Modern Jug
Hand made claret jug
Toughened Modern Half Pint Glass
Toughened Modern Half Pint Glass bulk packed
Toughened Modern Pint Glass
Toughened Modern Pint Glass bulk packed
Toughened Modern Third of a Pint Glass
Toughened Modern Third of a Pint Glass bulk packed
Contemporary Pitcher 1L in own box
Re-Usable flip top bottle
Screw top 1 litre bottle
Screw top 0.5 litre bottle