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Small re-Usable flip top bottle
Flip top water bottle 1 Ltr 320mm high blue top 6's
Flip top water bottle 35cl red top packed in 6's
Flip top cork bottle 1 Ltr 320mm high red top 6's
Glass Ashtray 107mm diameter bulk packed in 24's
Heavy Base Shot Glass
Heavy Base Shot Glass bulk packed
Flared tot glass
Heavy walled flared top tot glass
Heavy walled flared top tot glass bulk packed
Flared top tot glass 6cl 85mm high in a tuck in top box
Flared top tot glass 6cl 85mm high Bulk packed
Flared top tot glass
4 x flared top tot glasses
Stemmed beer glass bulk packed
Mini tot glass in tube box
Mini tot glass bulk packed
Glass barrel mug
Half Pint Glass
Half Pint Glass bulk packed
Pint Glass
Pint Glass bulk packed
Round tot glass